Who are we?
We work together to ask scientific questions, rigorously test our ideas, and enthusiastically communicate our results with anyone.
We work hard to cultivate an environment where students’ freedom to grown intellectually is the first priority, and all students are welcome here.
What kind of science do we do?
The lab primarily uses genomic data to solve mysteries about amphibians (for specifics, look at the research page). This work demands a variety of skills that students can learn and hone, including fieldwork to collect specimens, caring for captive animals, extracting and sequencing DNA/RNA, and working in computer environments to analyze large amounts of data. The most important things we do are read (new findings from other scientists) and write (papers about our work that are peer-reviewed).
What you can expect from me. I will:
- Use whatever resources are at my disposable to help you obtain your career goals, including helping you define and refine those goals
- Promote a collegial, respectful, and safe environment for you to do your work
- Encourage you to challenge your understanding and gain intellectual independence
- Meet with you regularly
- Assist in planning experiments, training for certain techniques, interpreting results, and writing about your project
- Provide access to laboratory, computational, and field equipment. If we don’t have what you need, I will help you apply for funding to support your work
- Help you network and plan for your next steps after your bachelors degree
What I expect from you. You will:
- Ask questions: questions that interest you, questions that you think you should already know the answer to, and questions that neither of us will know the answer to. It is the foundation of science.
- Always consider safety first. Keeping everyone safe is the first priority both in the lab and in the field
- Conduct yourself with scientific integrity. This includes never manipulating data, lying about results, or plagiarizing
- Keep a detailed written record of your work, whether in the laboratory, at the computer, or in the field
- Meet with me regularly and respond promptly when I contact you
- Treat other lab members with respect and report any abusive behavior immediately. No abusive behavior will be tolerated.
Funding available for student researchers
Contact me! We often have budgets that include student employment, from taking care of laboratory animals to conducting lab experiments to analyzing data.